Salt Lake City's Best CNA

What Customers Say

Patient Johnny M.

Karl was an Angel sent from Heaven.  As my Husband Johnny’s health declined we found he needed specialized help.  It was at this time Karl came into the life of our family for four and a half years.  He was never in a hurry and he and my husband, Johnny, loved exchanging stories.  Physical therapy and walks were examples of things Karl did to help my husband get stronger.  Karl was a great help to me as well.  When I was too tired to make Johnny’s bed, Karl came to my aid.  Karl was always very personable, dedicated to his work and took a special interest in our family.  He was a great asset to us in our time of need.
-- Emmalou, Johnny’s Wife

Patient Lyle

My Daughter usually takes care of my grocery shopping on the weekend, however, in the middle of the week I discovered we were out of an essential item and Karl kindly drove me to the store to fetch it.  Also I dislike showers but Karl cajoles me into taking one anyway.

-- Lyle

Karl has worked with our disabled son Edison for 6 years.  He is kind, super dependable and hardworking.  Our son is excited to see him every morning.  We consider Karl an integral part of our family.

-- Kelly, Edison’ s Father

Karl Lee, CNA and Lyle

Karl Lee, CNA and His Patient Lyle